We are starting on Ms. J’s house 6-14-16.
If you’ve been following along the past few weeks you’ve probably seen some of our story about Ms. J and her family. We are VERY excited to finally be moving forward on this project and we NEED YOUR HELP!
Volunteer – Click here to register
Donate Materials – Email us at 516projectfxbg (at) gmail.com
Here is a quick recap of our story so far with Ms. J. –
We received an email a few weeks ago from social services regarding a family in desperate need of help with their home. Living there is Ms. J, a 68 year old grandmother who is undergoing chemotherapy for stomach cancer. She has custody of her daughter’s 13 year old son and 17 year old daughter. Ms. J’s other daughter is 45 and disabled, and she and her 3 children (ages 11, 17 and 20 ) are also living in this dilapidated home. I only took pictures in the bathroom, but much of the rest of the house is in similar condition. Even the front door is held shut by a tied towel. Their bathroom is unusable as the toilet has dropped through the floor. Not sure how they are using the bathroom. Their hot water heater hasn’t worked in years so they heat water on the stove to bathe. There is mold growing on the walls inside of the home, roaches and other pests everywhere in the home. Every room of the house needs pretty serious work, but we are starting with the bathroom. This will allow this family to stay in their home. It will also help them all be more healthy.
Please go to the Volunteer Registration page by clicking HERE. Rainbow International will be in Tuesday and Wednesday doing the demolition and mold remediation. We need volunteers that can help starting on Wednesday 6-15-16. We’ll need some folks to help with the reconstruction of the bathroom, some folks for general cleaning and some folks for exterior clean up and yardwork.
We do construction projects, but ultimately this is a ministry opportunity. An opportunity to show this family and everyone around us that Jesus’ love overcomes ALL obstacles. Everyday, in God’s hands! This is why we do what we do..to restore lives and to show Jesus’ love.
“When we learn to trust in what we do not see, we believe in spite of seeing. Then, and only then, will we become, as Jesus said, “Blessed.” That is living by faith. That is trusting that He is the truth.” -Matt Ham
Here are some of the items left that haven’t been donated. If you can help by donating something off this list please email 516projectfxbg(at)gmail.com
Qty Item
2x8x14 Lumber (preferably pressure treated)
3 3/4 Tongue & Groove plywood
10 1/2″ copper hangers
10 1/2″ purple drywall
16d nails
8d nails
2″ screws
drywall tape
drywall mud
electric water heater
30″ interior door
24″ interior door
32″ Exterior Door