Mr. Green has a new bathroom!
Stafford Social Services reached out to us about Mr. Green and asked if we could check out his bathroom and a couple other issues at his home. Mr. Green grew up in Stafford and has lived in this house for a majority of his life. Through the years he’d been able to keep the house up and make repairs on his own. Unfortunately, over the past few years some health concerns have slowed him down a little.
A few things around the home need attention, but the priority was definitely his bathroom. A leaking toilet had caused the flooring and joists to rot and become very soft. They were now to the point of being unsafe.
Thanks to the partnership with Stafford Social Services and our incredible donors, we were able to completely demolish the existing bathroom and make repairs. New floor joists and flooring installed. All new plumbing and fixtures installed. Mr Green was even able to help in a couple phases of the project. The smile on his face was priceless! Now Mr Green has a safe functional bathroom to enjoy. As an added bonus, one of his neighbors asked what we were doing. They wanted to get involved too, so they are getting him all new towels and supplies for his new bathroom!
This is what it looks like for the love of Jesus to be poured out. Much like God working in our lives, a mess turns into a masterpiece!
Thank you for all of our supporters and sponsors that make stories like this possible. As you can imagine, the needs are many. If you aren’t yet part of the 516 Project support team, I’d encourage you do pray about what part you can play.
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